Been a while.

So it has been a little bit since I posted anything here. Not sure what to say. In the time since my last blog, I have had a few shoots. I have been published a few times. I have a Ender 3 that I plan to use to make props for shoots and maybe doing some costuming. It has been fun getting to use it. I have been using PLA filaments so far and have run into a few issues, mainly due to bed adhesion or lack there of. I have actually printed up some horns that may be used in an upcoming shoot. I have also had an idea formed, but I think finding a model to work with might be an issue as finding a B5 geek and model might be tough, but I would rather work with a model with love for the show like me to do the idea justice, but then what can I say but Psi Corps pasties.


Shawn Thomas

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Should it matter if a person shoots nudes in their free time?

After a small group of shots were uploaded on devaintART by a model I adore and respect for not bending to societies norms of body image and showing that a voluptuous woman can be beautiful in the nude form. The fact that the photographer behind the shots chose to remain anonymous really irked me, as a photographer we should be proud of the body of work we produce, whether it was the brightest move at the time or not, I kind of remarked about it on the deviation comments I left, but was not expecting the response I recieved. It turns out the photographer is in the public eye, and was afraid of the shots he took reflecting badly on his job. To me this is anathema as artists even if it is only a hobby. The work we do even if it is nudes should not have a negative impact or repercussions when it comes to our work outside the art world. A teacher who just happens to be a beautiful woman that decides to pose nude for a photographer should not have to worry about losing her job teaching, and a photographer even if they work for the government should not have to hide the fact they took nude photos in their free time as long as no laws are broken, what a person does in their free time should not have a bearing on how they make a living. I think American Society as a whole needs to wake up and see that the human body is beautiful and embrace the inherent beauty in all. Rather than cling to puritanical decency standards that are at least a couple centuries out of date.

Nudity is natural

The human body is beautiful

The naked human body is naturally beautiful and should be celebrated as such not hidden because nudity might cause irreversible harm to the youth of the nation. To me there is more harm done in teaching that our bodies are shameful and must be covered than any harm done to a child that ever saw a naked person.


Shawn Thomas

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Funny how things kind of work. I had been trying to get to the library to get the images uploaded for Elizabeth Spencer from our last shoot. I was getting kind of irritated as I had inquired about getting a ride up there on Wednesday and it seemed things just kept getting in the way. So I asked again yesterday and I could get a ride but would need to be dropped off. So took the offer. While sitting on the ground outside the library using the public Wi Fi. I saw a young man ride by on a skateboard. I did not have my camera out at this point, though had it with me as I had figured I would run out of power on the laptop before my ride came back and was going to shoot the old courthouse. After the skateboarder went by a second time I pulled out the camera so it was ready. So starting with the third time he came by I started getting some shots.


So I guess sometimes having to wait on things can set up a better situation than if I had gotten to the library when I had originally wanted.IMG 0523IMG 0522

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Been Too Long

It has been too long since I have blogged here about anything. A lot has happened. I have gotten into photography more and am finishing up a course through NYIP. My father passed away a couple of months after I had posted the last blog entry before this one. I entered into and got to shoot an art show which was a great experience and I hope to get to do more event photography in the future. I have set up a facebook page for the studio at


I have also been working with a couple models and expanding my contacts and portfolio. One model and I have been doing a series of shoots to show the progression of her pregnancy and those sessions have been a blast.



Shawn Thomas

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New Work Up

New work “Battle Angel” is up at deviantART, also available as prints.

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Hello world!

Welcome to my Word Press page.

Let me tell a bit about myself.

I am an artist and writer. I have started a small art studio and do some freelance work. I have been using DAZ Studio, and Poser in my artwork for a while now. I also have used Bryce, Cararra and have been playing with Lightwave a bit.

I have also recently expanded into photography, or at least have gotten some better gear and now can make better images and not feel as restrained by the camera. I have been taking pictures for a few years actually, but the previous camera did not have much user controlled settings, where the new one has all sorts of setting I can adjust to my liking.

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